Hello / Bye NRW-Forum

Kinetic perma­nent instal­la­tion

Our kinetic greet­ing Laola moves into the museum in Düsseldorf’s Ehren­hof as a perma­nent instal­la­tion: 18 self-illu­mi­nat­ing elec­tro­mag­netic nitrile glove pendu­lums with chang­ing color codes greet and say good­bye to visi­tors right at the entrance! Come by and say hello!

After the Düssel­dorf KomKuK window and the shop window of Stern Verlag Düssel­dorf, our kinetic instal­la­tion at NRW-Forum is taking on new forms: Arranged with 18 glove pendu­lums over 6 square meters, the anthracite-colored mount hides the driving tech­nol­ogy on its back­side. In this way, the instal­la­tion is reduced to its visi­ble elements of move­ment.

Concept, Design
Frédéric Wiegand
Thomas Wirtz
Samuel Dommer­muth
Instal­la­tion Support
Ranvir Singh
Special thanks
Jennyfer Lapuc
Making-Of Video Edit­ing
Emely Oehmen