Five Years CM DUS

Motion Visual

Even if time is short, you should never come to a birth­day party empty-handed. In Febru­ary 2020, Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf cele­brated its 5th anniver­sary, for which we, as guest speak­ers, devel­oped a birth­day visual accord­ing to our very own recipe. Thus we were able to illus­trate our lecture about the free exper­i­ment with mate­r­ial simul­ta­ne­ously with an applied exam­ple appro­pri­ate to the occa­sion.

Trial & Error — stage race through a series of exper­i­ments with differ­ent substances, through vari­ous proto­types to suit­able appli­ca­tions.

Created for
Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf
Concept & Design
Frédéric Wiegand
Thomas Wirtz